How do we learn about it? How does it work? What is the reason that we often do not love ourselves? Where do the doubts come from that prevent us from being happy and feeling worthy? Self-Love can consist of many things. For some it means finally putting yourself first again and for others- getting closer again by opening up and no longer closing down. It refers to the acceptance of oneself in the form of unconditional love for oneself. Through mindfulness, love for life, devotion and clarity. How could we love someone else if we do not love and accept ourselves? It is important to be clear about what values we want to live for ourselves: health, respect, communication, appreciation, gratitude- what of these are we already living and in what areas could we improve. When we live self-love for ourselves, it automatically invigorates us in our relationship. The lack of self-love very often lies in our childhood. If a child constantly feels that he or she cannot complete a task to the satisfaction of its parents, it starts to believe he/she is not good enough. We had to improve, follow certain rules and could not really show ourselves as we really are. Our parents did not have menacing intent. They are also only human beings. To be honest, not everyone is good at everything. Therefore, it is not possible to get the recognition we want in all areas. We should not believe everything people tell us. For we alone can give ourselves self-love. In order for us to succeed, we shall learn and put ourselves first in our life again. We have to regain our basic confidence and accept our individual self-worth. We should not let the outside world dictate our values as a person. Because we are the designer of our own life. Here are a few tips and exercises for more self-love in our daily life: 1. The happiness diary- write down ten things for which you deserve praise. Ask yourself what went really well during the day. Did you do something nice for others and did you surround yourself with people who are good for you? 2. Create magic moments- think about 3-4 things you would like to do in the next month and that are good for you and your health. It could be hiking, a massage or a cozy evening with friends. These activities would help you learn self-love and bring more happiness into your life. 3. Self-love meditation- there are plenty of meditations that help you look at yourself from loving eyes. Furthermore, it helps you establish a healthy relationship with yourself and recognize your inner strengths. 4. Affirmations for self-love- those are positively formulated sentences whose content you believe in and which, through constant repetition, should strengthen and support you. I,…. • Love myself • Accept me for who I am • I am good enough • I am lovable • I am valuable • I am strong
As you can see, self-love is the foundation for you to develop your full potential. We would gladly like to support you in achieving this goal.
With love, Hristina and Diyana